Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Danger in Google Chrome

Most Americans were outraged to learn the NSA had been spying on all of us through our email accounts, phone calls and YouTube videos.  It didn’t help either to learn the FBI had methods to activate our cameras and microphones on our cell phones, tablets and computers to listen and watch whenever they wanted.

Now a new vulnerability has arisen through Google Chrome.  Software
developers can take advantage of this by asking you to innocently authorize access to your microphone, then listening in even when the website is closed.

Basically, this allows Google Chrome to be used as a tool to spy on you, further lessening your privacy at home or work.

To see if you have compromised your microphone, follow these steps: 

1.      Click the Chrome menu button

2.    Click Settings

3.    Click Show Advanced Settings

4.    Click Content Settings

5.     Click Manage Exceptions (under Media)

6.    Look at the list and remove any permissions you want

Voice recognition is a popular feature, especially with cell phones and tablets.  People love the ability to talk to their devices in get directions, find restaurants, movies or whatever their heart desires.  However, are you willing to allow just anyone to listen in and record what you are saying without your knowledge, just for a bit of convenience?

This weakness in Chrome’s programming was discovered last September (2013) by Tal Ater, an Israeli programmer.  He notified Google and quickly received a response that programmers were “addressing” the issue. However, four months have passed and nothing has changed.  Knowing how often we all must monitor our computers for viruses created by hackers, it does not take much stretch of the imagination to believe someone will take advantage of this weakness for their own perverse desires.

This video demonstrates how the Google Chrome weakness works:



Forewarned is forearmed.  Hope this helps.





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