Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Danger in Google Chrome

Most Americans were outraged to learn the NSA had been spying on all of us through our email accounts, phone calls and YouTube videos.  It didn’t help either to learn the FBI had methods to activate our cameras and microphones on our cell phones, tablets and computers to listen and watch whenever they wanted.

Now a new vulnerability has arisen through Google Chrome.  Software
developers can take advantage of this by asking you to innocently authorize access to your microphone, then listening in even when the website is closed.

Basically, this allows Google Chrome to be used as a tool to spy on you, further lessening your privacy at home or work.

To see if you have compromised your microphone, follow these steps: 

1.      Click the Chrome menu button

2.    Click Settings

3.    Click Show Advanced Settings

4.    Click Content Settings

5.     Click Manage Exceptions (under Media)

6.    Look at the list and remove any permissions you want

Voice recognition is a popular feature, especially with cell phones and tablets.  People love the ability to talk to their devices in get directions, find restaurants, movies or whatever their heart desires.  However, are you willing to allow just anyone to listen in and record what you are saying without your knowledge, just for a bit of convenience?

This weakness in Chrome’s programming was discovered last September (2013) by Tal Ater, an Israeli programmer.  He notified Google and quickly received a response that programmers were “addressing” the issue. However, four months have passed and nothing has changed.  Knowing how often we all must monitor our computers for viruses created by hackers, it does not take much stretch of the imagination to believe someone will take advantage of this weakness for their own perverse desires.

This video demonstrates how the Google Chrome weakness works:



Forewarned is forearmed.  Hope this helps.





Saturday, January 18, 2014

Affiliate Marketing and the Olympics

I just saw a television commercial for “Kashi’s Go Lean Crunch!” cereal.  The spokesperson was Kikkan Randall, who is training for her fourth Olympics.  So, what does a successful affiliate marketer have to do with those who participant in the Olympics?

Perseverance!  Kikkan Randall is a 31 year old cross country skier from Alaska with a long list of impressive wins in her area of competition.  As an 11 year old in 1994, she was named the “Fastest Woman in Alaska on Skis” and she went on to participate in her first Olympics in 2002 as a 19-year old.  Her hard work got her to the 2006 Olympics, and even though she developed a blood-clot in 2008, she was front and center for the 2010 Olympics.

Now the 2014 Olympics is right around the corner, and once again Kikkan is in training for the Olympics, her perseverance shining through.  It is her perseverance that has pushed her through more than 20 years of training and competitions to achieve a deserving level of success.

Affiliate and network marketing is no different.  It requires perseverance.  Like Kikkan’s struggle with her blood-clot disorder, as well as other aches and pains over 2 decades of training, home-based business owners will hit roadblocks along the way.  Those that persevere will achieve success.

When I started my business, my mentor expected me to pay $4,500 month after month after month just to find people who might be interested in starting their own home-based business.  When I was unable to sustain this he disappeared into la-la land.

I could have picked up my toys and gone home, but I am not a quitter.  I was determined to learn how to market a business online, so I looked high and low.  It wasn’t long before I found the perfect place to learn:  My Lead System Pro (MLSP).

In many ways, MLSP is similar to IBO.  IBO is a way for marketers from a variety of companies to come together and help each other market their businesses.  Likewise, MLSP is a way for marketers to come together and train and get training from industry experts on a variety of methods.  This allows people to find the method(s) that work for them.

I met MLSP through their free Wednesday night online classes.  These classes are taught by very successful marketers in their area of niche marketing.  The classes are about one to 1 ½ hours long and provide a great deal of valuable and easy to use information that can immediately be put to use.  After three weeks of exceptional information I decided to join MLSP. 

The benefit to this was expanded training material and the ability to do it on my schedule.  If I missed the Wednesday night class, I was able to watch the recording on Thursday or Friday or Saturday or ….  This has been very helpful because it seems everybody offers trainings on Wednesday evenings, including IBO Toolbox.

MLSP does have an affiliate program with a variety of levels.  The higher levels offer affiliates products they can sell, and some people do use that as their primary business.  Most people, however, mainly use MLSP to learn how to market whatever their business opportunity or products may be.

Instead of paying the $4,500 my mentor had wanted me to dish out each month, I chose to pay MLSP $20 a month, which is the lowest affiliate level.  I don’t make much off anyone who comes in under me and I am not eligible to sell any products offered by MLSP.  However, I am interested in the training I get through MLSP to grow my primary business, not recruiting for MLSP.

MLSP offers a core of 23 topics I can get training on at a schedule that works for me.  In addition, I can get training on five new sessions every week. 

Between building my business, staying fresh in my training and spending time with my grandkids, I have little time to promote MLSP, which is sad because it is a great learning environment for anyone with any business.  Besides the free Wednesday night trainings, MLSP does provide me with 27 different funnel / capture pages ready to use with swipe copy tailored to each type of page and marketing method.  Each funnel page also gives a bit of free and valuable training for the prospect so they see the value they receive from MLSP.  There are also a variety of banners for different marketing areas which makes it easy for me to spread the word
without having to spend a lot of time on it.

If you are looking for an inexpensive way to learn a variety of methods from industry experts to market your business, then I invite you to take a test drive.  Check out the free trainings offered on Wednesday evenings. (Click here.)

Some other tools available at this level to which you can send prospects are:

Learn to market your primary business(es) and earn a few extra bucks from this great source of knowledge.