Saturday, November 30, 2013

You Own A Home Business… Should You Blog?

To Blog Or Not To Blog

A member of our team recently asked me if I thought she should be blogging to build her business.  I explained to her that owning a business is more than just selling products or services.  She also had to sell or market herself.

Every single business in the world has to sell itself and they work hard to maintain a good reputation.  A company can have the best product or service in the world, but if they do not treat their customers or their employees well, their business is not going to do well.

The process a company uses to sell itself starts with the company’s philosophy or mission statement.  This starts at the top and should permeate the attitude of the entire company.  This message is also spread via company press releases.  A press release is a written statement to various media outlets and can announce scheduled events, personnel promotions, awards, new products or services, accomplishments, etc.  It is a way for the company to sell itself.

Is a blog the only way you can market yourself?  No, of course not.  Video marketing is another valid way to market yourself and your product or service.  In many ways, this is like a commercial on t.v.  With the advent of YouTube and other video sites, video marketing is taking the world by storm.  In fact, some people take advantage of both blogging and videos to market themselves.

Blog Subjects

Trying to figure out what to write about in blogs can sometimes be a struggle, but usually it is because people worry too much about what other people want to read. 

Blogging is about marketing yourself, and by extension, your products, service or business opportunity.  People read your blog to get to know you so write about things that interest you.  For example, I am an affiliate for a wonderful health and wellness company (with a twist!).  I have always felt very strongly about using as many things from nature as possible to deal with illnesses, so this is an absolutely perfect fit for me.  Many of my blogs are about things in my spice cabinet and the health benefits from them such as ginger and cinnamon, or exotic fruits such as mangosteen. (Some blog links below.)

Will these particular blogs interest a car mechanic?  Probably not.  However, there are many women out there who feel the same as I do and may find my blogs interesting.

As a mother raising three boys, I followed this practice as they grew up.  My youngest developed an avid habit of drinking Monster, Red Bull and other energy drinks and I worried about how they were affecting his health.  So I did the research and found a healthy alternative we are both happy with.  This eventually became a topic for one of my blogs.

At other times, I will hear something in the news that will catch my interest and I will do some research on the topic.  In all of these cases, I am first writing for myself, then by extension, writing for my audience.  As they get to know me they can determine if they can relate to me.  I love it when they comment and we can begin a conversation and get to know each other.

This blog with the topic “if you should blog to market yourself” will also go out to my blog site to help people get to know me and, hopefully, help others who have decided to use blogging to market themselves.  Check out future posts for additional blogging tips.

Do You Have to Write a Blog Every Day?

No, you don’t have to blog every day, but you should do it on a regular basis.  Some people are able to sit down and whip out a blog or two every day.  I cannot.  I usually have to spend a day or two letting the thoughts gel in my brain and a few hours on the internet researching reliable sites I can use as resources for my blogs.  After I write my blog I leave it for a few hours or a day, then come back and proofread it and look for pictures or videos to add to my blog.

You do need to plan on writing blogs for a long time, perhaps a few years, before you start to see results.  There are many people writing blogs and it takes time before you will start to attract an audience.  However, once posted, a blog can continue to help you build your business for years after you posted it.

You should also take some time to read and comment on the blogs of others, especially if their blogs hold something of interest to you.  This is a great way to introduce yourself to others and will help you build relationships. 

All-in-all, blogging is a great way to reach out and meet others all around the world.  You may live thousands of miles apart, but through blogging you can build a community as stimulating as the one in which you physically live.

Read How to Blog - Part 1 on how to prep your blog.

Verve On Ice